Hello, friend.

I’m Ben, a bilingual socially-driven entrepreneur, photographer & endurance athlete.


Me, in short.

Born in Zimbabwe. Grew up in France and now living in ‘Merica. Hungry 90% of the time. Father of three Duracell bunnies. Terrible dancer. Even worse singer. Somewhat decent triathlete. Lover of 90s hip-hop and all things French. A Jack-of-all-Trades-and-Master-of-None kind of guy who wants to make the world a better place through creativity, sport and food.




Currently taking photographs of lovely people and lovely places, coaching (tri)athletes and cooking up lip-smackingly delicious and nutritious food.

This is how I like to roll, kid.

It all begins with an idea. Or several, in my case. An entrepreneur at heart, I can’t sit still for more than 5 seconds without the urge to do something.

Right here, right now, I have several things going on. To spare you the hassle of reading any more of my dribble, I’ve listed all the ventures and projects I’m involved with below.

If you like what you see and want to collaborate in any way, shape or form, give me a holler and we can find the time for a good old fashioned chinwag.



Documentary and commercial photography.



Fine and Dandy

Lifestyle, family and wedding photography.



Nicely Done!

Triathlon coaching for time-crunched athletes.




A youth and junior triathlon team focusing on good times.



Nice and Serious

A creative agency focusing on producing work the world really needs.



Competitive Veg

Coming soon! A blog and YouTube channel dedicated to creating food that moves you.